When you require a tax accountant in Wilbarger County, TX that can tailor their capabilities to your specific and unique financial situation, Clint H Brints CPA Inc. is here to help. Our comprehensive range of capabilities enables us to serve clients in a wide range of situations, helping you to manage your assets and liabilities to the fullest.
Whether you require tax planning in Wilbarger County, TX or need a more focused, specialized form of accounting oversight, we’re ready to help. Some of our services include:
Estate and trust tax services
We work with you to design an estate plan customized to your particular needs by utilizing a variety of planning vehicles such as family limited partnerships, trusts and charitable entities. Our team can assist you by performing the following:
- Review wills and trust instruments.
- Estimate estate taxes and strategize alternatives that may provide tax savings.
- Review business issues, including valuation and the transfer and/or disposition of business interests.
- Identify potential liquidity problems caused by federal and state estate taxes for the continued operation of the family business, probate, administration costs, etc.
- Develop a lifetime gifting program using vehicles such as family limited partnerships, charitable trusts and qualified personal residence trusts
- Prepare estate, gift, fiduciary and non-profit tax returns
- Advise you on the possible use of various trusts structures; including charitable remainder trusts, grantor annuity trusts, personal residence trusts, family partnerships, credit shelter trusts, marital deduction trusts and revocable lifetime trusts.
Financial processes
Every organization can benefit from being introspective, skeptical and analytical regarding their finances. We work with organizations to develop the predictive capabilities necessary to adapt to rapid changes and outperform their peers. Specifically, we can help you with:
- Driving growth from new markets and opportunities.
- Enhance cash management through working capital optimization and better capital allocation.
- Improve finance operations by focusing on operational effectiveness, financial analytics as well as budgeting and forecasting.
- Enable efficient regulatory compliance.
- Effectively manage risk by identifying sources and improvements to mitigate high risk areas.
Financial reporting
- Purchase price allocation
- Asset impairment testing
- Intellectual property valuations
Business planning
- Buy and sell agreements
- Purchases or sale of a business
- General business planning
Estate fiduciaries
- Assist with the sale of hard assets.
- Assist with negotiating private sales of intangibles.
- Develop causes of action to recover assets.
- Distribute estate assets to creditors on the basis of priority ranking.
For more information about any of the above services or to inquire about how we can address your specific financial needs, please contact us today by calling 940-553-4356.